Aiden Starr - 寅 & 忍苦

Aiden Starr's right of navel.
It reads "tora" (寅) and means a tiger.
This character is a different style of 虎, which of course also means the same.
寅 in particular is used in the Chinese cyclic years, which comes after 丑 (cow) and before (卯) rabbit.

Her right shoulder blade.
The top character is bit hard to read. I guess it is "忍" for there is no other appropriate character to come with the following character "苦."
The word "忍苦" reads "ninku" and means to bear with hard things and situations.
Pretty neat tattoo word for a pornstar, you think?
The word, without thinking what it means, looks more like "志苦" or "芝苦." These words, however, never exist. Maybe the tattoo artist used a bad sample writings.