Kapri Styles - 欣 & 禄

Kapri Styles' left butt (left two pics) and right butt (right pic).
They read "kin" (欣) and "roku" (禄) respectively.
These characters are not usually used in current Japanese.
欣 means joy, joyful. It usually used in words like "欣快" (kinkai) "欣喜" (kinki) or "欣喜雀躍" (kinki jakuyaku), each of which means joy and happiness.
禄, written in old style like the tattoo, means a) salary of samurai, b) blessing. It's not used in modern time, but was used as part of Japanese era system such as "永禄" (eiroku) and "元禄" (genroku).
Not particularly meaningful tattoos for a pornstar.

Trevor Zen - 楽

Trevor Zen's right side abdomen.
It reads "raku" (楽) and means easy, easiness, happy, and enjoyable.
Not much impressive tattoo.